Analytical Tools

Attestations by century
Attestations by provenance


The analytical module was created to allow to create simple analysis of data contained in the database and visual representation of it. This module provides us two tools, analysis of attestations because of their occurrence over time, and because of their location.

The first tool allows us to build a graph showing the occurrence of the term in time. The use of the hundred-year scale on the horizontal axis and the percentages on the vertical axis allowed the image to be as full and comparable as possible. For records with broad dating, has been used the mechanism of uniform distribution proposed by B. Van Beek and M. Depauw (2013). This is not an ideal solution, but it is widely used (eg Trismegistos) and it is difficult to propose an alternative that would be as easy to implement and efficient.

The second tool allows us to create a graph showing the occurrence of individual terms with respect to their location. In this case, the vertical axis shows each location, while the horizontal the number of occurrences of a given term.

Attestations by century

Attestations by provenance